HomeHubSpot Inbound Marketing Certification
HubSpot Inbound Marketing Certification
Roughly how long should your buyer persona interviews take?
Jason -
Roughly how long should your buyer persona interviews take?10 minutes
1 hour
20 minutes
20 minutes a week for a monthGet HubSpot Inbound...
Leveraging the data that’s already accessible to you is a part of which step of implementing behavioral marketing and customer segmentation?
Jason -
Leveraging the data that’s already accessible to you is a part of which step of implementing behavioral marketing and customer segmentation?Define the interactions...
How many buyer persona interviews should you aim to complete?
Jason -
How many buyer persona interviews should you aim to complete?1-2
There is no number of buyer personas interviews to aim to...
How can you ensure your content drives action?
Jason -
How can you ensure your content drives action?Add a link to your company’s website.
Include your company logo.
Include a CTA.
Add testimonials...
How can you balance multiple content distribution goals?
Jason -
How can you balance multiple content distribution goals?Identify your primary goal against any secondary goals.
Assign a DRI for each of your goals.
Fill in the blank. As an inbound marketer, you don’t just want your touchpoints to be efficient, you want them to be __________.
Jason -
Fill in the blank. As an inbound marketer, you don't just want your touchpoints to be efficient, you want them to be __________.Effortless
Fill in the blank: Most tools require you have a confidence threshold of ————, in order to declare a winner in an A/B test.
Jason -
Fill in the blank: Most tools require you have a confidence threshold of ————, in order to declare a winner in an A/B test....
Fill in the blank: In order to determine when you should deliver certain content to your audience, you need to understand _____.
Jason -
Fill in the blank: In order to determine when you should deliver certain content to your audience, you need to understand _____.Your martech...
Fill in the blank. Explicit segmentation is synonymous with ______.
Jason -
Fill in the blank. Explicit segmentation is synonymous with ______.Behavioral marketing
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Fill in the blank. Behavioral marketing is the method by which companies target audiences based on their behavior, interests, intentions, geolocation, and other metrics...
Jason -
Fill in the blank. Behavioral marketing is the method by which companies target audiences based on their behavior, interests, intentions, geolocation, and other metrics...
Fill in the blank. Behavioral marketing empowers your ability as a marketer to personalize your customers’ experience. Personalization is about creating _______.
Jason -
Fill in the blank. Behavioral marketing empowers your ability as a marketer to personalize your customers’ experience. Personalization is about creating _______.Why are...
Fill in the blank. An effective behavioral marketing and segmentation strategy is built on a foundation of good ________.
Jason -
Fill in the blank. An effective behavioral marketing and segmentation strategy is built on a foundation of good ________.Data
Buyer personas