HubSpot Data Integrations Certification Answers 2023 (New Updated)

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HubSpot Data Integrations Certification
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HubSpot Data Integrations Certification AnswersNEW – Updated

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Fill in the blank: A(n) ____ is an ecosystem of software and resources that helps grow your business.

  • Platform
  • Nexus
  • API
  • Connector

Select all that apply. Once you integrate an app, what can you do with the data?

  • Establish baselines, benchmarks, and goals​
  • Monitor quality and respond to issues before they become significant​
  • Create numerous storage locations
  • Visualize relationships and see patterns

Select all that apply. Which of the following are types of integration use cases?

  • Personalization
  • Efficiency
  • Segmentation
  • Utilization

Select all that apply. Creating a central source of truth makes data:

  • Secure
  • Shareable
  • Editable
  • Visible

Select all that apply. What information drives the integration recommendation process?

  • Use cases
  • Existing technologies
  • Data requirements
  • Client preferences

True or false? If you offer integrations, you need to integrate every piece of a client’s tech stack.

  • True
  • False

True or false? HubSpot’s goal is to be an all-in-one tool to meet all your client’s needs.

  • True
  • False

True or false? The MarTech landscape grew by more than 10% in 2020.

  • True
  • False

How many mobile apps does the average person use per day?

  • 3
  • 9
  • 15
  • 24

Select all that apply. Which of the following are examples of standard HubSpot objects?

  • Contacts
  • Companies
  • Tickets
  • Deals

Fill in the blank: A(n) ___ is a database that enables businesses to manage relationships with contacts and customers by centralizing information.

  • Central source of truth
  • CRM
  • Integration
  • Connector

True or false? One-way sync updates changes in one app and directly reflects them in another.

  • True
  • False

True or false? Dynamic data captures data from a moment in time.

  • True
  • False

The ability to send marketing emails from HubSpot is a superpower of which standard object?

  • Contacts
  • Companies
  • Tickets
  • Deals

The ability to automatically generate support requests from emails and calls is a superpower of which standard object?

  • Tickets
  • Contacts
  • Deals
  • Companies

Scenario: Night Cheese, a cheese subscription company, tracks data on subscribers in their existing database. Subscribers best maps to which standard HubSpot object?

  • Contacts
  • Companies
  • Tickets
  • Deals

Select all that apply. What are the advantages of native integrations?

  • Pre-built/no code
  • Free or low cost​
  • Ready to use​
  • Access to resources and support

Which type of integration requires the most time and resources to implement?

  • Native integrations
  • iPaaS
  • Data Sync
  • Custom

If you use a third-party integration, where does support for that integration come from?

  • HubSpot
  • The third-party company
  • Message boards
  • Google

True or false? Data Sync only allows for bidirectional data sync.

  • True
  • False

True or false? HubSpot’s developer team reviews and certifies App Marketplace integrations.

  • True
  • False

Which of the following questions is NOT a factor in assessing an iPaaS solution?​​

  • What are the triggers?​
  • What tasks does the integration perform?​
  • Does the client know about it?
  • Will the integration address the use cases?

True or false? Data Sync allows you to sync historical and new data.

  • True
  • False

Fill in the blank: A(n) ___ is a series of rules that allow for an application to extract and use information from a piece of software in their own application.

  • Integration
  • Program
  • API
  • Macro

True or false? You do not need to recommend an integration at the end of a discovery call.

  • True
  • False

Select all that apply. How will a thorough and well-documented integration planning process allow you to serve your client?

  • Present unique solutions​
  • Properly scope budgets and timelines​
  • Reduce miscommunications
  • Create a complete replicate of the database

Which is NOT a step in the integration discovery call process?

  • Open the call
  • Ideate
  • Summarize and position
  • Close the call

“What would you expect this integration to do?​” is an example of a question that addresses the client’s

  • Goals, challenges, and plans​
  • Tech stack
  • Budget and authority
  • Timelines, consequences, and implications

“When do you need to achieve these results?​​” is an example of a question that addresses the client’s

  • Tech stack​
  • Goals, challenges, and plans​
  • Timelines, consequences, and implications
  • Budget and authority

During the summarize and position step of the integration discovery call, how many of the client’s challenges should you summarize?

  • 0
  • Only 1
  • 1-3
  • All of them

Scenario: On a call with Gary’s Good Boys, you learn that this pet store franchise has budgeted several thousand dollars to integrate their old database with HubSpot over the course of the next quarter. What information is missing?

  • Challenges, Goals, Plans
  • Timeline, Consequences, Implications​
  • Budget and Authority
  • None of the above

Select all that apply. When you build a custom object, what key elements must you define?

  • Name
  • Size
  • Properties
  • Associations

Which is NOT an ability of Timeline Events?

  • Segment lists​
  • Trigger workflows​
  • View and edit data from an external system
  • Visualize in HubSpot reports

If you want to store immutable data, the best HubSpot data representation tool is:

  • CRM extensions
  • Timeline events
  • HubDB
  • Custom properties

If you want your data to have a one-to-one relationship with a CRM record, the best HubSpot data representation tool is:

  • Objects
  • Design manager
  • HubDB
  • Custom properties

If you need to store JSON, XML, and unstructured data for external use, the best HubSpot data representation tool is:

  • Objects
  • HubDB
  • Design manager
  • Custom properties

If your data is going to be in a one-to-many relationship and primarily used internally, the best HubSpot data representation tool is:

  • HubDB
  • Objects
  • Custom properties
  • Design manager

True or false? All standard objects have the same superpower.

  • True
  • False

True or false? You need a developer to build a custom object.

  • True
  • False

Fill in the blank: A(n) _____ functions as the name for individual instances of a custom object.

  • Record
  • Primary display property
  • Title
  • Type

True or false? During the recommendation process, it’s important to tie the solution back to the client’s goals and challenges.

  • True
  • False

Scenario: On a discovery call with Cheetah Runners, the local running shop says they want to integrate Shopify with HubSpot. When you clarify the use case, Cheetah Runners says they want to take invoice data from Shopify and use it to send segmented emails from HubSpot. Which standard object best serves the client’s data needs?

  • Contacts
  • Companies
  • Tickets
  • Deals

Select all that apply. In the vision and objectives portion of an integration recommendation call, it’s important to answer the following questions:

  • Why is the client pursuing this integration?
  • What does the client stand to gain from the integration?
  • Who will maintain the integration?
  • What will the integration cost?

Fill in the blank: A(n) ____ is one end of a communication channel.

  • API
  • Endpoint
  • Connector
  • Integrator

Fill in the blank: A(n) ____ links together different computing systems and software applications.

  • API
  • Endpoint
  • Connector
  • Integration

Which of the following is NOT a part of an HTTP request?

  • Request URL
  • Method
  • Output
  • Body

The part of an HTTP request that tells the API where to retrieve data from is called:

  • Request
  • Method
  • Header
  • Body

True or false? Developer docs are the source of truth for all public information about HubSpot’s APIs.

  • True
  • False

Fill in the blank: To manage rate limits, ___ enroll contacts as they meet certain criteria.

  • Batch API
  • Caching data
  • Active lists
  • Webhooks

Fill in the blank: To manage rate limits, ___ retrieve only certain contacts as changes happen in HubSpot.

  • Webhooks
  • Caching data
  • Active lists
  • Batch API

Fill in the blank: To manage rate limits, ___ temporarily store data on their end.

  • Active lists
  • Batch API
  • Caching data
  • Webhooks

Fill in the blank: To manage rate limits, ___ push updates in groups instead of individually.

  • Caching data
  • Batch API
  • Webhooks
  • Active lists

True or false? Private Apps are the best authentication method for small-scale testing.

  • True
  • False

True or false? Authentication is required to use HubSpot’s API.

  • True
  • False

Fill in the blank: ___ are a string of letters and numbers that act as a password for the account and approve a given request.

  • JSON
  • Private Apps
  • OAuth
  • XML

Select all that apply. Which of the following are API reference doc categories?

  • Analytics
  • Webhooks
  • Social media
  • SEO

True or false? In a JSON {key:value} pair, the value is a specific data point.

  • True
  • False

True or false? If a client wants to update their forms without a developer, they should use HubSpot Forms.

  • True
  • False

True or false? If a form does something on the backend, it should be integrated using the Forms API.

  • True
  • False

Scenario: On a discovery call with Charismatic Paperbacks, you learn that this book of the month club wants to track referrals so they can follow up with a thank you. Based on this use case and data, what object type is the best recommendation?

  • Contacts
  • Deals
  • Companies
  • The data does not fit a standard object; a custom object is required.

Research shows that clients are most successful in HubSpot when they have how many integrations?

  • 0-3
  • 3-6
  • 7-10
  • 15+

Select all that apply. Integrating apps with HubSpot is important to clients. How can integrating apps also help you as a partner?

  • Integrations position partners as long-term strategic partner​s.
  • Integrations increase a partner’s average retainer size by 37%.
  • Integrations lead to increased retainers and higher margins.
  • Integrations make partners look more professional.

Fill in the blank: A(n) ____ is composed of fields and contains all the data about a particular person, company, or item in a database.

  • Record
  • Property
  • Object
  • CRM

Select all that apply. How might you jeopardize your client relationship with a poor integration planning process?

  • Unpaid invoices
  • Unmet expectations and disappointment​
  • Confusion about how the integration works​​
  • Lost sales, data, and trust

If you want your “source of truth” to be a system outside of HubSpot, the best HubSpot data representation tool is:

  • CRM extensions
  • HubDB
  • Custom properties
  • Timeline events

Fill in the blank: A(n)____ is an illustration that shows how objects within a system are connected.

  • Entity relationship diagram
  • Mind map
  • Integration plan
  • Association web

Scenario: On a discovery call with The Legend of Sleepy Challah, the bakery says that they need to make sure contact records in HubSpot match the contact records in Salesforce. Which direction does data need to sync to make this update possible?

  • One directional
  • Bidirectional
  • Cross-directional
  • Dynamically

Select all that apply. When defining stakeholder roles, which of the following groups of people should be specified?

  • Who will build the integration?
  • Who will maintain the integration?
  • Who will analyze the integration?
  • Who will sign off on the integration?

Select all that apply. What is an example of an API endpoint?

  • Client
  • Server
  • Software
  • Website

The open standard file format HubSpot uses to store and transmit data is called:

  • HTML
  • API
  • JSON
  • XML

True or false? OAuth is recommended when multiple accounts will be using the integration.

  • True
  • False

True or false? Private Apps keys expire after six hours.

  • True
  • False

Which developer docs header tells you information about an API’s daily and burst limits?

  • Basic
  • Requirements
  • Parameter
  • Request

Which developer docs header tells you information about an API’s method?

  • Parameter
  • Requirements
  • Basic
  • Request

Which developer docs header contains the code you need to implement the API?

  • Parameter
  • Request
  • Basic
  • Requirements

True or false? A single JSON object can contain multiple {key:value} pairs.

  • True
  • False

True or false? If a form contains protected health information, it should be integrated using HubSpot Forms.

  • True
  • False

True or false? If a client wants use a form to progressively profile their leads, they should use the Forms API.

  • True
  • False

Which HubSpot tool do custom objects work with?

  • Workflows
  • The mobile app
  • Reports
  • All of the above

Fill in the blank: A(n) ___ is a group of technology-based tools that help businesses operate effectively, market efficiently, and enable sales and service teams to provide an optimal customer experience.

  • Integration
  • Tech stack
  • Grouping
  • Bundle

The ability to automatically enrich records with public information is a superpower of which standard object?

  • Tickets
  • Contacts
  • Companies
  • Deals

The ability to generate revenue attribution reports and sales forecasts is a superpower of which standard object?

  • Companies
  • Contacts
  • Deals
  • Tickets

Select all that apply. Before a discovery call, you should document what you know about the client’s:

  • Tech stack
  • Temperament
  • Account
  • Team

If you want to display data externally, the best HubSpot data representation tool is:

  • Custom properties
  • HubDB
  • Timeline events
  • CRM extensions

Select all that apply. Which questions are important to answer during the recommendation call?

  • How does this solution solve the use case?​
  • Which integration is the most popular in the App Marketplace?
  • What are the initial and ongoing costs of the integration? ​
  • What are the HubSpot objects, associations, sync rules, and triggers?

The portion of an HTTP request that contains the returned data and information is called:

  • Request
  • Method
  • Header
  • Body

Select all that apply. What outcomes do integrations enable?

  • Data transfer across different systems
  • A high chance of a data breach
  • A 360 view of customer information
  • All of the above

“Who are the decision-makers?” is an example of a question that addresses the client’s

  • Timelines, consequences, and implications
  • Goals, challenges, and plans​
  • Budget and authority
  • Tech stack

On a call with Wool Monkey, you learn that this artisanal wool shop wants to send segmented emails to their customer base telling them about a new class launching in three months. What type of information is missing?

  • Challenges, Goals, Plans​
  • Timeline, Consequences, Implications​
  • Budget and Authority
  • None of the above

Which JSON {key:value} pair is correctly formatted?

  • {​“property”: “email”,​ “value”: “”}
  • {property; email; value;}
  • {​“value”: “”, “property”: “email”}
  • {email value property “”}