HubSpot Solutions Partner Certification Exam Answers 2023 (New )

HubSpot Solutions Partner Certification Answers

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Check out following HubSpot Solutions Partner Certification Exam Answers:

In the partner toolset, where can you go to see your current tier performance, track your progress toward the next tier, and review additional tier requirements?

  • The partner dashboard
  • The tier dashboard
  • The Partner Resource Center
  • Partner training in HubSpot Academy

True or false? Your sold and managed MRR are tracked against separate, dollar-based targets.

  • True
  • False

Where in the Partner Dashboard are you able to bulk add multiple employees to client accounts?

  • Client Dashboard
  • Account and Billing
  • Your Team
  • Confirmation Links

Your email address is—what is your approved email domain?

  • com
  • com
  • kdunn@

Which of the following types of email communication will be sent to the user identified as a Solutions Partner’s primary point of contact?

  • Product launches
  • Exclusive event invitations
  • Program change notices
  • All of the above

Fill in the blanks: _________ is who HubSpot should contact with important updates, and your _________ is what HubSpot uses to identify your employees for communications, certifications credit, and managed credit for tiers.

  • Primary point of contact, approved email domain
  • Renewal owner, approved email domain
  • Primary point of contact, deal registration
  • Renewal owner, deal registration

All of the following could be example posts on the Partner News Blog, except:

  • A list of partners who have recently tiered up
  • Product launch announcements and resources
  • Competitive intelligence
  • Long-form content sharing program vision and strategy
  • Impact Award winners

True or false? When a customer signs their HubSpot contract, their initial terms lock in for all future renewals.

  • True
  • False

You’re working with a new prospect and you’re unsure of which edition of the software to best meet their unique needs. Which point of contact at HubSpot should you meet with for next steps?

  • Channel Consultant
  • Renewal Manager
  • Channel Account Manager
  • Partner Specialist

You notice the Platform Engagement Index for your clients is low and identify the opportunity to raise the score via HubSpot Academy certifications. Which point of contact at HubSpot should you meet with for next steps?

  • Channel Consultant
  • Renewal Manager
  • Channel Account Manager
  • Partner Specialist

A Solutions Partner has created a Confirmation Link, chose the products their prospect is purchasing, and confirmed the preview tab. What should they do next?

  • Send it to their CAM so it can be forwarded to their prospect
  • Send it to their prospect directly to sign
  • Follow up with their prospect as its been sent automatically
  • Follow up with their Renewal Manager to get approval on contract terms

True or false? Solutions Partners are able to communicate with HubSpot Sales within a shared deal.

  • True
  • False

Two Solutions Partners are providing services for a new HubSpot customer, but neither registered the domain. Neither partner has been referred in, or have referred the other. Who takes priority for Sold MRR credit?

  • The partner who confirmed involvement first
  • The partner who is providing onboarding services on the higher-value subscription
  • Both partners split the MRR credit
  • Neither partner gets MRR credit

Two Solutions Partners are providing services for a new HubSpot customer, but neither registered the domain. If one partner referred in the second partner, who takes priority for Sold MRR credit?

  • The referring partner
  • The referred-in partner
  • Both partners split the MRR credit
  • Neither partner gets MRR credit

 You want to build a new menu of services to complement your firm’s existing skill set. Which point of contact at HubSpot should you meet with for next steps?

  • Channel Consultant
  • Renewal Manager
  • Channel Account Manager
  • Partner Specialist

What is the name of the dedicated web series and podcast for Solutions Partners?

  • Agency Unfiltered
  • Partner Resource Center
  • The Hustle

A member of your team wants to review the Solutions Partner Tiers and Benefits guide for this year. Where should they go?

  • Client Dashboard
  • Partner Resource Center
  • Seismic
  • Capacity Manager

Which of the following is NOT displayed in the sidebar when you click a client name listed in the Overview section of the Client Dashboard?

  • Current month performance for contact and email tiers
  • Tool usage breakdown and a breakdown of most-used tools
  • Platform Engagement Index score
  • Traffic and conversion performance of your client’s account

Which of the following is NOT a method for filtering/sorting Solutions Partners in the directory?

  • Certifications
  • Industry
  • Language
  • Team Size

A HubSpot Marketing Hub Starter customer you’re working with has a campaign prepared to send 15,000 emails on a contact tier of 1,000. What contact tier is required at their subscription level to successfully execute their email strategy?

  • 1,000
  • 2,000
  • 3,000
  • 5,000

A HubSpot Marketing Hub Professional customer you’re working with has a campaign prepared to send 25,000 emails on a contact tier of 2,000. What contact tier is required at their subscription level to successfully execute their email strategy?

  • 2,000
  • 7,000
  • 12,000
  • 17,000

A HubSpot Marketing Hub Enterprise customer you’re working with has a campaign prepared to send 150,000 emails on a contact tier of 10,000. What contact tier is required at their subscription level to successfully execute their email strategy?

  • 10,000
  • 20,000
  • 30,000
  • 50,000

If a HubSpot Marketing Hub Professional customer has a contact tier of 3,000 contacts, how many emails are they able to send per calendar month without adjusting their contract?

  • 10,000
  • 15,000
  • 30,000
  • 60,000

Which of the following is/are option(s) for a client’s “Renewal Communication Owner”?

  • HubSpot
  • Solutions Partner
  • HubSpot OR Solutions Partner
  • HubSpot AND Solutions Partner

If a registered lead of yours purchases HubSpot for $1,000 USD/month, what will your payment be?

  • $100 paid out monthly
  • $200 paid out monthly
  • $600 paid out quarterly
  • $2,400 paid out annually

What cadence is revenue share paid out to Solutions Partners?

  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Quarterly
  • Annually

How is revenue share calculated?

  • 10% MRR for as long as a partner remains in the Partner Program
  • 10% MRR for as long as the clients’ products remain active
  • 20% MRR for as long as a partner remains in the Partner Program
  • 20% MRR for as long as the clients’ products remain active

True or false? Solutions Partners who co-sell with HubSpot via the Partner Collaboration process receive both revenue share and Sold MRR credit.

  • Solutions Partners receive both revenue share and Sold MRR credit via Partner Collaboration only.
  • Solutions Partners receive both revenue share and Sold MRR credit for all co-sold sales opportunities.
  • Solutions Partners can only receive Sold MRR credit.
  • Solutions Partners receive neither revenue share nor Sold MRR credit

Fill in the blank: When a domain is already registered by a HubSpot Direct Rep, you can still win the right to Sold MRR credit through the _____ what process?

  • “Best Partner Wins”
  • “Partner Collaboration”
  • “Capacity Management”
  • “Touchless Selling”

In a Best Partner Wins scenario, your Channel Account Manager is allowed to provide you competitive intelligence, including:

  • Which Solutions Partner registered the domain
  • The competitiveness of your scoped work
  • The CAM of the other partner
  • None of the above 

Fill in the blank: When a domain is already registered by another Solutions Partner, you can still win the right to both revenue share and Sold MRR credit through the _____ process?

  • “Best Partner Wins”
  • “Partner Collaboration”
  • “Capacity Management”
  • “Touchless Selling”

Why should Solutions Partners leverage the “Share Note” button within a shared deal?

  • Collaborate with other users from their team in the deal
  • Collaborate with HubSpot in the deal
  • Submit the domain for registration
  • Export their sales opportunity into a .CSV

True or false? When a Solutions Partner creates a shared deal, HubSpot will also attempt to register the domain automatically.

  • True, domain registration will always be attempted
  • True, but domain registration will only be attempted if selected by the partner
  • False, domain registration is not automatically attempted
  • False, domain registration can only be managed by CAMs

Once a shared deal has been created, the new pipeline created in a Solutions Partner’s HubSpot account is called?

  • HubSpot Shared Selling Pipeline
  • HubSpot Channel Account Manager
  • HubSpot Account and Billing
  • HubSpot Capacity Manager

How are Solutions Partners able to claim a prospective company they want to work with and/or sell HubSpot to?

  • Domain registration
  • Deal registration
  • Both deal and domain registration
  • Neither deal nor domain registration

Which of the following is not a feature of the HubSpot Projects tool?

  • Structured lists of tasks and reminders
  • Proof of involvement submittal
  • Task assignments with due dates
  • Collaborative engagement with your CAM and CC

Which of the following is NOT a document that’s stored in the Documents page in the Account and Billing section of your HubSpot account?

  • Tax forms
  • Solutions Partner Program agreement
  • Banking information
  • Client renewal details

Which assigned point of contact helps Solutions Partners with service package development, delivery strategies, and onboarding?

  • Channel Consultant
  • Renewal Manager
  • Channel Account Manager
  • Partner Specialist

What do you have to tag each user in your HubSpot account to ensure Managed MRR credit when they are active in client portals?

  • Assigned Client
  • Administrator
  • Partner Employee
  • Client User

What is the name of the space built exclusively for Platinum+ Solutions Partners that houses product sneak peeks, competitive intelligence, and confidential information?

  • Partner Dashboard
  • Seismic
  • Partner Resource Center
  • Confirmation Link

Under the product resources section of the Partner Resource Center, you’ll find all of the following for each Hub, except:

  • Demo walkthroughs
  • Customer fit matrices
  • Pitch decks
  • Special pricing for channel customers

Which of the following is not a category of assets in the Partner Resource Center?

  • Product Resources
  • Program Resources
  • Renewal
  • Networking and Community

True or false? When created through the Confirmation Links tool of the Partner Dashboard, a confirmation link is sent automatically to your client for proof of involvement.

  • True
  • False

Which assigned point of contact helps Solutions Partners with sales process development, coaching, and co-selling HubSpot?

  • Channel Consultant
  • Renewal Manager
  • Channel Account Manager
  • Partner Specialist

Fill in the blank: While in the Client List section of the Partner Dashboard, _________ is where you can leverage HubSpot’s calculation for determining how embedded a client is with the HubSpot platform.

  • Overview
  • HubSpot Team
  • Renewals
  • Platform Engagement Index

The Platform Engagement Index scores your clients from 0-10 based on all of the following factors, except:

  • Tool usage
  • Amount of users
  • Integrations
  • Certifications

Fill in the blank: While in the Client List section of the Partner Dashboard, _________ is where you can find a breakdown of your client’s contracts and communication owners.

  • Renewals
  • Overview
  • Platform Engagement Index
  • Confirmation Links

Fill in the blank: While in the Client List section of the Partner Dashboard, _________ is where you can see pertinent client information, including HUB ID and purchased products.

  • Confirmation Links
  • Overview
  • Platform Engagement Index
  • Renewals to act on

True or false? Accreditations, a form of credential that provides results-based validation of skills, can be found in the “Partner Training” tab of HubSpot Academy for all Solutions Partners.

  • True
  • False

In the “Partner Training” tab of HubSpot Academy, these Hub-specific courses teach partners about project managing systems configuration, migration, and onboarding engagements.

  • “Demo” certification courses
  • “Implementation” certification courses
  • “Onboarding” certification courses
  • “Legal Training” courses

True or false? HubSpot designed a tier structure to match Solutions Partner growth paths in 2016, and these tier requirements remain unchanged.

  • True
  • False

Which of the following is NOT a requirement for achieving a tiered status in the Solutions Partner program?

  • At least 5 reviews in the Solutions Directory
  • An active Solutions Partner Certification
  • A median client tool usage of 3+
  • The MRR thresholds for a particular tier

True or false? Managing activity in a client’s portal will only register as Managed MRR when a Solutions Partner’s partner approved email domain is being used.

  • True
  • False

What percentage of a client’s HubSpot software subscription do Solutions Partners receive revenue share for on registered leads?

  • 10%
  • 15%
  • 20%
  • 25%

I have completed the “Security Tips and Next Steps” training and understand my obligations as a HubSpot Solutions Partner Program participant.

  • True
  • False

I have completed the “Intellectual Property Training for Solutions Partners”, reviewed HubSpot’s Branding, Trademark, and Content Usage guidelines, and understand my obligations as a HubSpot Solutions Partner Program participant.

  • True
  • False

I have completed the “Confidentiality Training for Solutions Partners”, reviewed the HubSpot Solutions Partner Program Agreement, and understand my business’s confidentiality obligations as a HubSpot’s Solutions Partner Program participant.

  • True
  • False

True or false? A completed confirmation link is required in order for a Solutions Partner to receive sold credit and revenue share.

  • True
  • False

When a domain is already registered by another Solutions Partner, you can still win the right to both revenue share and Sold MRR credit with what?

  • A CAM advocating for your involvement
  • A client-signed confirmation link
  • A partner-signed proof of involvement
  • If a partner has already registered a domain, you can’t win the right

Which of the following are the two key metrics that dictate your progression through the Solutions Partner Program’s tiering structure?

  • Sold MRR, Managed MRR
  • Sold MRR, Lead Registration
  • Managed MRR, MRR Retention
  • MRR Retention, Lead Registration

Which of the following is NOT a core tenet of the Solutions Partner Program?

  • To make it easier to grow with HubSpot
  • To partner with HubSpot
  • To connect with customers and partners
  • To help all partners sell marketing services 

Fill in the blank: _________ is the process of claiming a prospective company that you want to refer to or resell HubSpot to at some point.

  • Revenue share
  • Lead registration
  • Partner onboarding
  • Rider letter

Which of the following are the two key metrics that dictate your progression through the Solutions Partner Program’s tiering structure?

  • Sold MRR, Managed MRR
  • Sold MRR, Lead Registration
  • Managed MRR, MRR Retention
  • MRR Retention, Lead Registration

For a Solutions Partner’s calculated Sold MRR metric, the qualifying amount is from which duration of time?

  • Trailing 3 months
  • Trailing 6 months
  • Trailing 12 months
  • The total amount calculated is not time bound